Cool, Calm & Creative

Cool, Calm & Creative

- About The Book

With any position of leadership, power, and responsibility, the common perception has always been that those with a much more outgoing persona would seamlessly ascend to take on these roles compared to their much more reserved counterparts. This is especially prevalent for many creatives who identify as introverted. At onset, they are prone to believe they are defined solely by their gift and perhaps can't ever be high performers in leadership. When in reality, their gift is the ultimate tool to get a foot in the door for various opportunities, seek self-development, and thus become bigger than the creativity they were blessed with.

In "Cool, Calm, and Creative," Halston Shannon and his co-authors challenge these exact individuals to view their gift as a resource for reaching the best version of themselves rather than just a method of "wowing" people. Instead of keeping readers in their "comfort zone" and creating a blueprint of how to succeed in their creative endeavors, they opt to take them to a place where they are highly respected and self-sufficient. As a result, they will equip you to become daring professionals who successfully walk the fine line between being true to yourself and doing the unexpected.

We always hear how so much undiscovered creative talent is out there, but this book shines a light on the talented individuals who haven't even discovered the best version of themselves. Packed with insight, this book will help you to understand that you are here for a much higher purpose than you initially imagined. You will see that navigating an extroverted world is 100% in your jurisdiction; you can do it your way, still being as reserved as ever but with newfound confidence to match your phenomenal creativity.


About The Author : Halston Shannon

Halston Shannon has been a Brand Identity Designer for eight years and is now the CEO of Halston Shannon Visual Artistry & Branding, LLC. His work is described as timeless and unique, and he happens to be the designer of the Florida specialty license plate for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Despite his introverted nature, he leveraged his creative talent to get in the door of various organizations, where he then developed himself into a well-rounded change agent. His leadership positions have included President of the Black Student Union at Florida Atlantic University, Vice-President of the South Florida Professional Chapter of Progressive Black Men, Inc., and Associate Editor to the Sphinx for his graduate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Halston earned his BBA in Information Systems and his M.Ed in Adult and Community Education Leadership from FAU. You can reach out to Halston and view his work at


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